Call For Your Free Estimate
Licensed - Bonded - Insured
ROC# Residential-273421, Commercial-278600
Capital Painting Company offers a variaty of painting services including:
Residential Interior Painting
Residential Exterior Painting
Pressure Washing
Commercial Interior Painting
Commercial Exterior Painting
Community / HOA Painting
We strive to ensure every customer is completely satisfied throughout the entire project and with the end result.
The first step once your free estimate has been booked will consist of an in person meeting. During this process we take the time to go through your entire project, explaining the process of work that it will entale and address any possible concerns.
Throughout the project we will continue to keep you updated on what has been completed and the remainder of work to be done.
Finally, when the project is complete, we will do our own personal walk through making any corrections neccessary. Once this has been done, we schedule a final walk through with the you, the customer, allowing you to view the entire project with us by your side. This enables us to address any further questions or concerns, and correct any final issues.
Our main goal throughout this entire process is to make sure you as the customer are completely confident in choosing our company as your contractor and completely satisfied with the project you have chosen to complete.